A welcoming camera club for photography enthusiasts, of all skill levels, in the Greater Rochester New Hampshire Area

The goal of the Greater Rochester Camera Club is to provide photography enthusiasts, spanning all skill levels, a place to learn and grow together. We achieve this goal by fostering an open learning environment at group meetings and outings focusing on continuous improvement for our members.

Greater Rochester Camera Club of NH
A large group of people, smiling and seated in a circle

Membership Showcase

Greater Rochester Camera Club of NH
Greater Rochester Camera Club is nothing without our members and we are very proud to showcase them and their work. The Membership Showcase is a gallery of images taken by our members for challenges, on outings and as part of our occasional hands-on workshops.
Sheet music for "Eleanor Rigby" and "Come Together" by The Beatles is overshadowed by the bell of a trombone resting on the stand.

Lyrics to a Song


Peter Morse

Upcoming Events

Greater Rochester Camera Club of NH
GRCC has several types of regular events  that give our members regular opportunies for expanding their skill sets and to socialize with each other. Regular in-person meetings are held downtown Rochester New Hampshire at RPAC on the second Wednesday of the month , monthly challenges and critiques are  held on Zoom the fourth Wednesday of the month and there are at least two shows per year and many planned and spontaneous outings throughout the year.  

"We are making photographs to understand what our lives mean to us."

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Ralph Hattersley